Jeff Kikel: Good morning, Cents of things. Welcome to the Easter week,
Passover, all the other holidays, all rammed into one. We need to invent some
kind of a Festivus for this time of the year as well for the rest of us, but Ron, how you
Ron Lang: doing, buddy? Good festivus. Yeah, that’s a weekly thing You know
that people use festivus as an excuse to go for a drink anytime.
Ron Lang: It’s that’s
Jeff Kikel: true Yes, and airing of grievances on top of it, but
Ron Lang: that’s only during select times of the year
Jeff Kikel: during it Yeah during the true festivus time,
but but definitely we’re airing our grievances to everywhere here
Ron Lang: Yeah, a slow week. So I know there’s some good
stuff we can review where do you want to start?
Ron Lang: Let’s kick it off.
Jeff Kikel: I think the, the biggest thing of the week [00:01:00] is of course the
ship that the Dolly out of Singapore that was trying to do one of these
and it ended up doing one of these right into the bridge pylon lost power and and
just plowed straight on into the bridge pylon of the Francis Scott Key Bridge.
Jeff Kikel: in Baltimore, thus blocking Baltimore Harbor.
Ron Lang: It’s amazing. I like I was telling you, I passed that bridge many
times. I don’t think I went over it. But the video footage is just crazy.
There is so much room between pylons that obviously We’ll find out what’s going on,
but there was black smoke coming up from the engine they tried to put down the back anchor
to drag a little bit to slow it down And it this thing still hit Crosshair is dead on.
Ron Lang: Right
Jeff Kikel: on. Yeah. The picture I’ve got, it, it just hit straight on,
took out the entire bridge and this is not going to be something cheap. One of
the things I [00:02:00] wanted to know is what are some of the numbers behind it a
little bit. So I did a little bit of research this morning and here’s some of the numbers.
Jeff Kikel: Baltimore Harbor is the ninth busiest port in the U S for international
trade. So inbound. However, it is the first for roll on roll off trade outbound.
Ron Lang: What is, what
Jeff Kikel: does that mean? I never heard of that expression. Roll on roll off,
it means anything that can roll, basically. So automobiles, light trucks,
construction and agricultural equipment all come out of there.
Jeff Kikel: You’ve got major plants for, of course, the automakers on
the East Coast. You’ve got, of course the construction manufacturers and,
John Deere has got a big plant there and, that, that puts stuff out of
the East Coast as well. It’s an interesting port because it’s not a big container port.
Jeff Kikel: It’s actually one of the smaller container ports, which is interesting because
it was a container ship that took this sucker out. But it’s a big time commodity
port. 20 percent of U. S. [00:03:00] coal exports that or come out of there. Including,
and then also wood, steel, aluminum, sugar, natural gas. Are all huge exports out of there.
Jeff Kikel: The likelihood is that, some of the all the other ports on the East coast are
just going to have to suck it up and pull some of this traffic in. You’ve got Norfolk Harbor,
which is 2nd behind it for. Coal export, so it’s most likely they’ll just run, some of these other.
Jeff Kikel: Commodity exports out of Norfolk cause it’s not very far. Norfolk,
maybe three to four hours by rail down there. It’s just going to, it’s going to
be annoying and annoyance, and it’s going to be a
Ron Lang: big disruption,
Jeff Kikel: a temporary disruption. The automakers are already saying we can, we,
whatever’s there we got to deal with, we can reroute all our other stuff to the other ports.
Jeff Kikel: This is. A loss for Baltimore, but a win for,
Philly and [00:04:00] Norfolk and Newark and all those other ports.
Ron Lang: I think the amazing thing is the following, cause I looked it up. This is not,
when they first built us, it took five years and they were pre fabricating
this stuff. They haven’t cleaned this thing up and gotten it out of the water.
Ron Lang: And they haven’t even, now they’ve got a completely engineer. A
new bridge and they will obviously make it more modern. Cause the other one was
from 72 to 75 for how many years it took to build. So you’re talking 47 years ago
when it went live. This is not going to be a quick, simple, easy, short term fix.
Jeff Kikel: And it was interesting to me because typically if you have paid
any attention, if you’ve ever been in a major port like this,
Almost always they have some pre pylons. That are in the water that,
that protect the main bridge pylons and this one had them, but they’re just in the stupidest place.
Jeff Kikel: You would think of they’re there, but they’re back and [00:05:00] away from where
this is. It just, it was very easy for it to go directly in there. I think it’s. I just hope
Ron Lang: this does not show terrorists the blueprint for how to knock down. Yeah, no
Jeff Kikel: kidding. I think it’ll be pretty hard to steal a big ginormous
boat like that, but you’d be surprised my friend.
Jeff Kikel: I know. But yeah, how many other, big ports where there’s a, Hey,
could we get our hands on a cargo ship and then slam it into the bridge or
something like that and take it out? I think that the main thing though,
is in most cases like that, they they’re looking for the big loss of life.
Jeff Kikel: And this is not really a situation where it would be, if it was rush hour.
Absolutely. Unfortunately loss of life, the good thing is the police department was on site and
was able to, the ship made aid. The pilot made aid to, the port authority, which was able to
get the cops quickly to it’s a soft [00:06:00] traffic, so it’s saved a ton of lives except
for the guys that were on the bridge estimated costs is like 15 million per day to the economy.
Jeff Kikel: When it comes to that easy. So what what do you got in your side of the coin here?
Ron Lang: Okay. Got a couple of things. Let’s see here. Me, you always like to start with
something fun, silly, and dad jokey. Got some good things. I just wanted to know,
how are these solar panels supposed to work when it’s located in a garage to charge an EV?
Ron Lang: But it’s solar powered, just saying, I’m not really sure. I got to tell you,
there’s nothing to say about this, this at all. I have a pool. I don’t think I would be buying
this kind of float. And my question is would this float or absorb the water? I it’s, I’m
Jeff Kikel: thinking it’s probably more absorbent than floating at this point.
Jeff Kikel: Wow. Yeah. Just saying. No wings
Ron Lang: though. Thank God. [00:07:00] Oh boy. Who’s the first person that’s going to
use the handles to open this van door? Wow. Okay. Yeah. They, they couldn’t put that picture on the
Jeff Kikel: side of the van. Or yeah,
cause it’s already rolling over into the windows and all that.
Jeff Kikel: You couldn’t adjust it just slightly. And please don’t tell me that
Ron Lang: someone wasn’t high that applied this. Yeah Who was putting that on and went? This is a
really good idea Yeah, I think it might have been their last day at that job. I’m not sure obviously
All right. I think your kid is gonna have nightmares if they eat this spongebob chocolate.
Ron Lang: I don’t know about you Wow Okay I never was into spongebob. I used to watch
with the nieces and nephews. It was never I don’t know. I never thought it was funny,
but I don’t really think it’s funny at all. But yeah, that’s a little
Jeff Kikel: actually.
Ron Lang: And of course we have to end with another bad design for a playground slide.
Ron Lang: Oh God. Wow. Okay. There we go. Where’s
little Jimmy coming out [00:08:00] of? Oh yeah. Where is he? Jimmy he’s plugged
up. Yeah. And where is that? The circus maintenance person with the big shovel.
Jeff Kikel: Yeah, exactly. Yeah. They’re down there. Yeah. It would be perfect
if somebody was in there cleaning up the little ground below it, but wow.
Ron Lang: Okay. All right. On to some serious stuff. So I thought this is interesting because
of where our numbers were at the end of last year. And obviously with the
meltup we’ve had in the last three months, where the other last day of Q1 today that,
some have raised we’ve seen them raise their price targets, but I think this
is still interesting that You still have half of the big strategist and the big
investment houses on the bank still showing a flat to negative year for the most part,
Jeff Kikel: which
Ron Lang: JP Morgan, that’s Kalonovic.
Ron Lang: He’s been negative for three years, basically. So Morgan Stanley,
Mike Wilson he’s not wrong yet, [00:09:00] but obviously with the meltup we’ve had in
the last 15 months or 16 months, however you want to look at it,
he looks bad, but this is the problem with the public strategist puts out a target.
Ron Lang: The public thinks, Oh, it’s going there in the next couple of weeks or months.
Yeah no. This is a distance thing. This is not a sprint. This is a journey. Yeah,
Jeff Kikel: I just somebody made a point the other day I was listening to the radio
or listen to satellite and somebody made a great point and he’s he’s Inflation continues to go up.
Jeff Kikel: The government continues to fuel it. We’ll talk about GDP here in a little bit.
The government’s continuing to fuel it. And, I think the Fed and his point was, he’s the
Fed is very likely to. Come across with their plan of reducing interest rates,
a couple of interest rates, and he goes, all that’s going to do is feel the fire
going into 2025 of much more inflation and them having to do more on the opposite side, Hey,
Ron Lang: they’re [00:10:00] expecting it to tick up in the neck before the election.
Ron Lang: Yeah.
Jeff Kikel: We’re already seeing it and a lot of aspects. And we,
saw it with GDP. It’s consumer spending is still cranking along and too many goods are,
too many dollars are chasing too few goods still at this
point from a production standpoint. The likelihood is we just keep melting up.
Jeff Kikel: His point was, and I echo that it’s that time of the year,
it’s that time to say what’s our exit strategy, what do we do to protect,
you gotta run while it’s running, but you’re going to have to protect when you protect at that point.
Ron Lang: Absolutely and be fast about, just a general understanding of,
history with the market. Yeah. These are all of the positive years and all of the
negative years. Obviously over time there’s always been more positive years, but I think
it’s interesting. I gotta tell you really, I try have always been a student of the market.
Ron Lang: We know the [00:11:00] market crashed in 1929, but it
didn’t hit a market bottom until 1932. And if you take a look at the 1930s,
we actually had a double dip recession because we had one from essentially the end of 29 to 32,
and then another one in 37. But if you take a look at some of the big years 35, 33 and 35.
Ron Lang: They were up over 40%, but then you come down here to 31, 37 32, 29. But my point
is can you imagine the EKG? Of up and down during that decade, instead of a nice, even crawl up.
Holy crap. It’s Hey, we had a great year and then you lose it all in the next year. It just crazy.
Ron Lang: You behavioral scientists would have had a ball during that decade following investor and
Jeff Kikel: there, when you look at it,
there was really no one year. Probably 39 was the only year I’m looking at where it
was just Muted a little bit every year. It was just one way or the other way.
Jeff Kikel: They
Ron Lang: just took a [00:12:00] breather.
Jeff Kikel: Yeah, exactly. I think, the war was starting in Europe and
everybody was okay we’re going to focus on something else, but yeah,
it, people talk about volatility. You have no idea what volatility is,
the other side of the coin is there were so few of the public involved in the stock market.
Jeff Kikel: At that time, it was just a few very rich people who
were trading in the stock market at that time. So volume, they really
Ron Lang: didn’t have mutual funds. They really didn’t, they didn’t have ETFs. It
wasn’t electronic trading. So yeah, I’m sure the bid ask spreads were humongous. So yeah.
Ron Lang: So over time, it’s become more mooted with the volatility besides regular cycles. But
it was certainly was more active versus passive management. So absolutely. And then my last one,
charts always tell a story as we say, and I thought this was interesting. If you take a
look at the ebb and flows over the market, So if you take a look at where the average
of the s and p 500 [00:13:00] is from the beginning of the end of the year, this talks
about the number of companies in the s and p 500 that beat the average of the s and p 500.
Ron Lang: And here’s the interesting part, the orange and for the colorblind people,
the ones that are under 50% essentially. Meaning that this was less amount of companies in the
s and p 500 that beat the average. Believe it or not, that was during the booming years
of the index and the years that you had a lot more companies beating the index.
Ron Lang: Those were the down years of the market. Look at last year of the last 30 years,
we always, we’ve talked about right last year, 75 percent of the market move. Was
by 10 stacks. Last year was the lowest in 30 years by the number of companies
in the S and P 500 that beat the S and P 500 average. [00:14:00] These are all topping,
indications, I know how it always sounds on many of our podcasts, but folks.
Ron Lang: You can’t lie with facts. This ain’t social media. This is real numbers. Your thoughts.
Jeff Kikel: Oh, I totally agree with you. I, and I think it’s interesting
on the market breadth side. It just, even though we’re not,
or it just still is that you’ve got a few stocks that are leading the pack and, from looking at it
from a wealth management perspective, I’m not going to invest in just seven stocks.
Jeff Kikel: Just so that I can keep up with the index. And as much as I pride myself on saying,
Hey, over time, I want to beat that index. I’m not
going to chase after it at this point. You’re not going to beat
Ron Lang: the top five to 10 stocks and
Jeff Kikel: you can’t, and I’m not going to do that. And what’s,
what you’re seeing is, you had the nifty 10 or the magnificent seven or whatever you call it,
but now you’ve got four [00:15:00] now.
Jeff Kikel: Pretty much the fantastic four. And, most of that is NVIDIA at this point,
that’s dragging everything along. No, I’m sorry. I’m not. And,
when you start to look at other factors, what’s gotten left behind. The mid caps, the small caps,
especially have. Significantly underperformed, but they’re incredible value right now.
Jeff Kikel: And as the money kind of moves around I see that as being an interesting area
in the markets, our portfolios this month are a little bit more skewed towards the small and mids
and less towards these big stocks because. They’re just a phenomenal value right now.
Jeff Kikel: And I think there’s an opportunity there where it might not be in the S& P
500. I agree. I agree. What do you have? What do you want to review? Let me just quickly go
over the other slides I had. It was a super quiet week for any kind of economic data.
Really the only numbers this week were the third [00:16:00] reading of the GDP.
Jeff Kikel: This kind of gives you an idea of where the, There’s always a
Ron Lang: new reading of the GDP number.
Jeff Kikel: I know it is. This is the third reading of the Q4 numbers, which is the final
numbers, at this point, it’s really not earth shattering or market moving because.
Jeff Kikel: Everything that’s known is known, what you look at is we’re just fluttering
along here where we’ve been inflation, or GDP has been going up. The third reading
here is it was at 3. 34 percent today, which the expectation was about 3. 2. That’s interesting.
Jeff Kikel: When I look at briefing. coms. Read on this, and I realize this is small, but a few of
the things in here estimate once again, briefing dot com consensus was 3. 2 came in at 3. 4 2. 2 of
that 3. 4 was personal consumption expenditure growth. Increasing [00:17:00] 3. 3 versus
3. 1. The, we keep talking about it and the credit card debts all the way up there, but
personal consumption, people just keep spending money the other major money they don’t have.
Jeff Kikel: Yeah. And the other one was government spending increased from
four point or 4. 6 versus 4. 2. So that contributed to another 0. 79 percent of
that. So between the government and. The government who doesn’t have any money or
doesn’t have money to spend and they have money, they have a printing press for it.
Jeff Kikel: That’s true. They can just keep spending more and personal consumption. That’s
pretty much what’s driving GDP at this point. Very little of the other things like domestic product
that we’re creating. Although private inventories excuse me, the sales of gross domestic product 3.
Jeff Kikel: 9 versus 3. 5. So that had some effect, it’s personal consumption
and government spending right now that are [00:18:00] leading the pack when it comes
to GDP. So is that healthy or is it not? I don’t really know. I, what it does do,
I think is it is another, it’s another contributor to inflation because anytime
you have personal consumption going up, once again, too many dollars chasing too few goods.
Jeff Kikel: And the government, basically throwing gasoline on the
fire at this point. It’s just going to continue to push inflation up.
Ron Lang: I agree. Yeah. If it, even if it doesn’t
necessarily push it up. Yeah. It’s not going to bring it down. Ain’t
Jeff Kikel: going to bring it down. Yeah. Yeah I honestly,
I think it’s going to push it up, but yeah, you’re right.
Jeff Kikel: It’s certainly not gonna, it’s not with that level of. Of money coming into
the markets or chasing after goods. It’s going to be very difficult. For the fed to
get that down to their 2 percent target, unless something [00:19:00] dramatically
changes on the personal consumption and the government spend, I don’t know
Ron Lang: if you saw some of the fed governors, the voting ones, at least said,
one of them said, yeah, we might not get any break cuts at all this year.
Ron Lang: And I hear some of these people say they came out and a pal came out and he said,
they’re committed to two or three. I didn’t hear him say that. The
fed futures rate is on the CME is saying that they’ve been wronging
over the last year. That’s why it’s called futures. They didn’t better.
Ron Lang: Yeah. They’re just better right up to say, this is going to happen. What
did they say? Data dependent. If the numbers remain high. Oh, why would they reduce? Yeah,
it’s silly. I get, folks we talk about this all the time. It’s just,
you know what? They need something to talk about. It’s just crazy.
Ron Lang: It’s yeah. And it’s the noise.
Jeff Kikel: Yeah, it’s literally the game of the telephone game. One idiot says it and then every
other idiot says it fine. Yeah, some, I heard, they, the fed governor said, no, [00:20:00] he
did not say that, I listened to the same exact thing you did and he was absolutely not.
Jeff Kikel: He’s committed to, they might do 14 or 15 interest rate drops this year.
Ron Lang: No. That’s great. Like I said, we’ll see. And. We know the political temperature
season is going to, the temperature is going to be rising in the next three months. So we shall see.
Jeff Kikel: Yeah, absolutely.
Jeff Kikel: I think everybody enjoy your holiday, enjoy your family spend some time with with people
that you love. If you don’t celebrate either. Yeah. Even if you got people, you you save that
for the, for the major holidays, but. If if you have the opportunity and you don’t celebrate.
Jeff Kikel: Passover or Easter or anything like that, then, just celebrate Festivus during the
spring year. Why not? Why not? Thanks a lot. Make sure that you subscribe to the channel.
Make sure you hit that little upvote button to let us [00:21:00] know that you exist out
there. And we love comments. I’ve had some spirited discussions from our last show.
Jeff Kikel: I will give you an update on the happiest places on
the world and why. Why I said what I said then I wanted to spark a little
bit of controversy. We’ll address that next week on that controversy. People
thinking I’m un American because because I’m talking about other places that are happy.
Jeff Kikel: So thanks a lot. We’ll see you guys back here the very next time.