hey everybody it’s Jeff and Ron here

with the sense of things and we’re

starting off another week discussing all

kinds of things market and certainly

economic as we talk so on today’s show

Ron’s got some really interesting data

for us about one of the big holders of

Alibaba we’re going to talk a little bit

about that we’re also going to talk

about AI patents and how China is

starting to kick our butt in the United

States in that world I’m going to finish

up today with a little bit of a rant on

government data because there was some

numbers coming out this week from the

Commerce department or the Bureau of

Labor Stat or statistics that revised

the job numbers and massively so stick

around we’ll be right back with you




hey everybody it’s Jeff and Ron here Ron

how you doing my friend good morning

getting into the we hours of the summer

kids are back to school and Jackson Hall

is kicking off this morning and oh no

kidding they talked about uh future rate

Cuts what a surprise interesting yeah

we’ve not been talking about them up to

this point so I I don’t know why why all

of a sudden they’re discussing

them it’s all good all right let’s jump

right why don’t we kick off with your

stuff and then I we’ll get to my

rant so Michael bur as you can see the

screen now Michael bur is famous for one

of the few people that was part of The

Big Short featured by Michael Lewis in

the movie and I thought it was just very

interesting if you just take a look that

with his Scion investment that’s his

hedge fund as far as his inflows and the

outflows where he was at the end of the

quarter and where he is now and I

thought it was quite interesting that if

you take a look at this on how he’s

reduced his real estate his financials

and his consumer staple positions and

have increased

significantly in consumer discretionary

Industrials and energy yeah and look

he’s one of the smartest guys out there

he certainly sift through the noise and

and cuts out the noise for his own

convictions so I thought this was this

was pretty interesting and why he was

raising his Alibaba stake I don’t know

because Alibaba if anybody knows

anything about their common stock are no

voting rights yeah as far as their

classes share so I thought this was

interesting yeah and say I say one other

interesting piece of it is his real

estate position this is something that

kind of came on my radar that I’d really

not been watching for a while because

it’s been it’s literally been a a dead

place to put money for going on three or

four years now and all of a sudden

within the last month real estate has

really shot up it’s as a sector it’s up

like 16% in a month well when they were

raising interest rates I don’t

understand it but the new home builders

got to all-time highs yeah and a lot of

that was luxury homeowners because they

weren’t financing but with the with

30-year fix has come down and with the

potential of rate cuts and cutting and

the 30-year fix going down even more I

guess does make sense to go into the

real estate sector yeah and I’m guessing

too he’s probably got some reats and

things like that which the yields tend

to stay up while yields on treasuries

and everything else are going down so

that yield spread’s going down that

that’s the only reason I can figure out

that real estates had such a a jump up

here recent yeah no I agree I agree so I

thought this was interesting too credit

card spending by category and if you’re

looking at this you’re checking out

where people are SP spending less money

so let’s just check three things here

look at the red lines entertainment you

would figure throughout the entire

summer people would just be spending

money yeah and the precipitous drop in

entertainment is pretty significant and

what else do you do during the summer

travel drive around gas people are

spending less on gas and the last one

which was very big during uh covid and

whatever people love putting money into

their houses yeah Home Improvement is

down significant down we all know are

spending money on their credit cards not

really taking cash out of their pocket

yeah so this is a pretty good indicator

of where things are yeah look at the

numbers for general merchandise and

groceries you know people putting credit

you putting groceries on credit that’s

really interesting and sad at this point

because it’s getting out of hand I’ll

share this next week because I don’t

know if I can find the chart again but I

was I was interviewed by a reporter and

we were talking a little bit about some

of the some of what’s going on with

credit and everything else and I IID

found a chart that I shared from the St

Louis fed that showed credit card

default rates and credit card default

rates have now reached the really well

they’ve reached the high since

2012 at that point and and in 2012 they

were on the way down now they’re on

their way up and they’re precipitously

going up and I honestly with rates

coming down I don’t really see credit

card companies reducing their rates why

would they why yeah why would they and

they’re at risk because they’re yeah

nobody’s forcing them to and they’re at

risk because if default rates are going

up somebody’s got to pay for those

defaults and it’s us that have credit

cards that are paying our bills there

was two areas with the credit cards and

we’ve covered this almost ad nauseum in

last year number one was the the the

carryover credit card balance is over

1.1 trillion but in a recent podcast we

talked about the 30 60 and 90day credit

card default had spiked up in the last

couple of

months yeah and the credit card

companies are just licking their chops

sure yeah crazy somebody’s gonna pay

their bills and they’ll pay them I

thought this was fun and interesting

visual capitalist we featured many of

their charts over the year over many

podcasts in the last year and look AI

look I always always chuckle I know we

talked about it a prior podcast that

people think AI is this new funny fun

shiny object AI has been around decades

30 40 50 plus years just the computing

power today and the amount of data that

we have to rely on producing good AI

results is Leaps and Bounds where it was

decades ago but I find it interesting

four out of the top five holders of

patents are Chinese companies

yeah Alibaba is interesting because

they’re in e-commerce where’s Amazon on

this list yeah I know like where is

Amazon which is supposed to be the

biggest biggest bang you don’t see

Microsoft in yeah you do see microft in

there but I don’t see okay there I

thought Google would be much higher yeah

yeah because they’re they’ve been on the

ball but I think honestly I think Google

I think got caught flat-footed a little

bit because I don’t think they thought

that it was going to be as big as quick

as it has so I they’re making up for

ground fast and I think some of their

stuff is good but I me I write books I

use AI for a lot of stuff from research

to just helping craft the message and

everything else to get started and that

at least from a language model

perspective there’s really no compar

from chat GP to to Gemini Gemini is

great for just Gathering data but as far

as a language model it’s really not that

good it’s where chat was probably this

time last year when it really got off

and got started launching so they’re

probably a year behind now they’ve got

the money to they’ve got the money and

the smarts to I think get them there but

it’s it’s amazing how I heard per

perplexity even though they’re not a


I heard is probably the best out of all

of them where they are right now but I

find it to be interesting the number

four company which was a company that

was left for dead in the last 10 or 15

years is IBM yeah and then I thought

about it they were one of the originals

with mainframe computers and building

algorithms back in the 50 60s and 70s so

they’ve been ahead of the curve they

just haven’t had the technology and the

bench of employees really amazing part

that they really were doing a lot of

this AI stuff with Watson when it wasn’t

cool I that’s what

the understand I remember them

advertising Watson five six seven years

ago and talking about how it’s being

used in the medical industry and things

like that I just I think people it was

not stuff that was available to the

general public you had to be a company

or something like that to use those data

analytics but they’ve been in the game

for quite a while think about it 2025

plus years ago Watson was used for two

things to prove its worth y number one

to play chess against the greatest chess

players in the world and number two I

don’t know if you remember this Jeopardy

remember they used Watson as a Jeopardy

and it was so damn quick it was it beat

like the top Champions yeah in Jeopardy

so again why AI is not a shiny new

object it is a shiny new object because

it’s become something that the common

man can use more mainstream yes it’s

more mainstream and people oh my God I

can see how great this is It’s been

around for a long

time it has and I thought this was

interesting too this is uh inflows into

the market and it was a stat I think two

weeks ago Warren Buffett l or call it

birkshire because it’s not just Warren

owns more

treasuries than our US Government so if

you take a look at the inflows here of

just government securities what is this

telling Market markets near all-time

Highs but meanwhile people are still

fearful and buying risk-free products at

low interest rates yeah tell please

connect the dots for me I think Uncle

Warren’s just sitting there waiting for

the blood to hit the streets and then

he’ll sell all that you know I want him

to find an anti-aging formula so he

could have another 50 years on the

market so we could follow absolutely

yeah gonna be 94 in October I know and

he’s still going strong Charlie always

looked a lot older but Warren he his

brain is just a machine he’s the guy

that you want to Lop his you want to Lop

his head off and then figure out a way

to attach it to another a younger body

and keep going hey they did that with

Ted Williams and Walt Disney maybe they

could do that with Warren absolutely

maybe we’ll find a way to sew it back on

to something else but another perfect

example of the the argument that the

president he’s was because of his age no

it’s not because of his age there’s

people that are in their 90s I think of

people like suer Redstone and all these

guys that they just never stopped


it’s there’s a lot to be said about that

yeah there’s something be you’re not

doing 50 60 hour power weeks but to keep

involved to keep busy to get the mind

going that cognitive reasoning is huge

yeah I was telling somebody this morning

that I A friend of mine that was here we

were talking about retirement income and

he was saying something about older

people or people that look older and I

was like in this industry and I know

you’ve probably seen it too I know some

of the youngest 80y olds and the oldest

60 year olds that I’ve ever met and it’s

all how you take life and those people

that have continually okay they finished

a career but then they started something

else because they wanted to keep in the

game they wanted to keep their that’s

what keeps you young is that connection

with other people keeping your brain

going and everything else Jeff I told

you this my father is 83 yeah he works

in he works in my business now he’s not

doing 4050 hour weeks no but he’s

putting in his time and he’s still

working with many of his clients that

are still around that he’s had for 35 40

plus years that are as old as he is and

they’re just they’re keeping on yeah

absolutely so that’s what I got I will

turn it over to you let me pop it up on

my screen for my little rant here

because just a little just a little rant

it’s just a small little rant today let

me see here share

screen this so my rant is on the

wonderful world of our government data

collection and Reporting this week it

was announced that the labor department

had to revise their figures for the last

12 months through March that there were

88,000 less jobs fewer jobs than they

had reported earlier so when we think

about that 88,000 jobs on 2.9 Million is


less than what had been reported

and the funniest part I think of this


was the what this really means is this

incompetence is it lies from the

government take your pick so let me give

you a comparison If you flew from Los

Angeles to New York and it was off by

31% you would end up in Chicago it’s

1,090 miles

away if your doctor gives you six months

to live and it’s 31% % wrong you have

4.2 months so that’s massive and from

the government I’ve seen several people

come out but the best of all was if I

can get this thing to advance I’m having

some weird computer issues today so come

on I thought it was interesting while

you’re doing that I had heard that this

was the largest

revision since

2009 yeah yeah we all know what happened

in 08 and 09 yeah all right hang on

second I’m just bringing this back up

here maybe not

okay so my favorite part of this was the

Commerce Secretary was interviewed

during the the convention and she said

oh no it’s a trump misinformation and

they’re like no ma’am this actually came

from the labor department which I hate

to tell you this you actually oversee

this at that point Spin Doctors yeah

spin doctor it once again we’re off why

is this important because the FED says

you know what we’re data dependent now

the FED did not revise these numbers but

they’re having to rely on these numbers

from other departments and if they’re

massively wrong that means that the

fed’s been utilizing these numbers and

going oh the employment sh situation

still strong and it’s not so much now

when it comes to

the was it just a weird anomaly so

that’s the other thing I’ve heard it’s a

weird anomaly in

2023 they were actually off by

439,000 jobs which was only 20% off that

year 21% off that year how does this

affect the markets it really doesn’t

it’s not going to affect the markets the

markets aren’t going to change as a

result of this companies aren’t going to

adjust what they’re doing because of

these numbers companies are going to

figure out what to do the stock

companies already know their numbers

yeah but if we cannot rely on these

people and like I said it’s one of two

things it can only be incompetence or

untruth there is no in between there is

no oops we did a we carried it one or

something like that no this is massive

incompetence and we demand we we should

have more out of our government that

we’re paying a massive amount out of

these people should know all this stuff

and they’re not getting it right they’re

getting itong and in our pre-show we

were talking and I was saying you know

what if they were off this much 30 40

plus years

ago that’s one thing but with the

technology yeah the ability to get the

data as quickly as we can and hopefully

as accurately as we can there’s no

excuse yeah there is none yeah stop

spending billions and billions of

dollars on crap and start spending some

money apparently with Watson and IBM

because they’ve got a lot of patents

spend some money that will help you at

least it’s a us-based company yeah yeah

not the Chinese companies that have all

the patents but the top us company with

the patents is IBM maybe you need to

spend a little bit of money with them to

figure out how to make this work better

because this is it’s

absolutely insane why you would be off

that much and and I love hearing some of

the spin on this from the media but it

was still 2.1 million jobs yes but it’s

31% off that is insane how could you be

off that much I I just don’t get it but

they still say there’s 152 million

people working versus 153 big freaking

deal there is no excuse you’re still

wrong it doesn’t matter if it oh it’s

still great because we have all these

people it doesn’t matter you’re still

massively wrong and you got caught being

wrong again so my rant over I just had

to say this was all right did you have

your medication standing by you’re gonna

be yeah I know I have my Prozac standing

by it’s just insane like I said I’m just

you know it’s something that it hit the

numbers and I looked and I was like okay

yeah it’s off a little bit 800,000

doesn’t seem like that much until you do

the math and I’m like how can you be a

third off that’s insane

hey well welcome to the US what can I

tell welcome to the US I I remember

listening to something I’m a big Rick

Steves fan and he was talking about in

the Scandinavian countries when he was

there he you they pay a lot of taxes and

all this and they demand a lot of their

government I’m like you know what we

need to start doing the same

thing I demand a lot out of my

government because just accepting them

doing whatever they want to do and I I

can guarantee I could probably go back

into you know know Republican

administrations and the same crap has

gone on because it’s the same people

that have been in the bureau election

season yeah yeah it’s the same people

that have been in the bureaucracy so

they’re just yeah once again just

they’re you can’t get people that are

politically neutral to work in these

important statistical jobs yeah

everybody’s got an opinion like a belly

button right so at the end of the day

can you believe I remember before at

least the last three or four elections

the other side that was not in power

couldn’t wait for the Labor Statistics

because they wanted to try and use that

but as we all know look at the revisions

so unfortunately the people out there

and here’s my quick rant are just sheep

yeah they vote either red they vote blue

right and then when a number comes out

they just read a headline they don’t

read the article yeah the scary thing is

now the now the computers are reading

the headlines and reacting at that point

it’s that I never thought I would say I

would say at any point it’s a good thing

that we have humans still involved in

the process you would think computers

would be rational and would look at

everything and then take that into

account but no they’ve been programmed

to on a dime change and they want to be

the first one out when everybody else

gets out but don’t forget too the humans

can be bought the computers can’t that’s

exactly correct although the humans that

could be bought programed the computer

so that’s even better folks thanks for

joining us par pardon the rant but I

just had to do it great information from

Ron today I it was really interesting on

the patents I think that’s it’s

something that says hey we’ve got to get

on the ball more and we need to support

some of these companies to help them

let’s not pass any legislation that

screws them over because somebody’s G to

get the patents and somebody’s G to be

in charge of AI and I really don’t think

it’s probably a good thing that our

probably biggest our biggest

competitor is the one that’s really

controlling AI at this point so thanks a

lot and we will see you guys back here

the very next time