Jeff Kikel: Good morning. Cents of things. This is Jeff and Ron for
another weekly update of what’s going on during earning season and all the economic
things coming out. We’ll we’ll have lots to talk about today. It is, like I said,
the middle of earning season and we had some big earnings yesterday. So lots to talk about.
Jeff Kikel: Ron, how
Ron Lang: you doing, bud? Good. I don’t know about you, but I’m sniffing
Jeff Kikel: spring. I am sniffing spring myself. And in fact. So did the big rodents. In p
Ron Lang: we have spring, yeah. Groundhog Day,
Jeff Kikel: 83% of the time he sees his shadow and we have six more weeks of
Ron Lang: winter. Oh, I thought it was reversed. I I thought he,
I [00:01:00] thought it was a 40 60 that he predicts a
Jeff Kikel: Okay.
Jeff Kikel: Heard it this morning. 83%. Actually no they explained it this morning.
He is a hundred percent right. Always. It’s just, they have difficulty with the conversation with
them. Sometimes they’re misunderstandings in the conversation. So that’s why he’s
not speaking loud enough. That’s why he’s off, or they’re off doing it like 70 percent of the time,
but 83 percent of the time he sees his shadow and that’s six more weeks of winter today.
Jeff Kikel: It was all sunny and nice and which I never understood because i’m like,
okay if there’s sun he’s gonna see his shadow If there’s not sun and it’s gross outside,
then he wouldn’t see his shadow and I Maybe he’s got special vision. I guess
I guess whatever but the big rodent saw it and I was actually watching it This
morning at 6 30 my time 7 30 on the east coast And we have early spring coming now.
Jeff Kikel: We still have six more weeks of [00:02:00] winter we’re still going to be in
early spring here. So we’re heading for some warm weather. Loving it. Loving it. Got a hell of a
year starting off here Already in the markets just it ain’t dolls. Yeah, super funny. One of
the things that I kept hearing about and I have to rail a little bit, you get some of these guys That
get on the news and, it’s, they’re just spouting off complete useless crap most of the time.
Jeff Kikel: But I heard something this week that made me go, and that is the January effect,
and what the January effect is. If we start the year off good. That means that,
we’re going to have a good rest of the year at this point.
Ron Lang: Maybe what we’ll do in one of our next podcasts they also have the Super Bowl effect.
Ron Lang: Remember if the NFC won, it would be an up year, but that in the last 10 years, it hasn’t
Jeff Kikel: held up. It’s not worked at all. Yeah. It’s just basically like the whole selling may go
Ron Lang: away. Yeah, too many [00:03:00] Patriot and Chief Super Bowls to debunk that. That’s
Jeff Kikel: exactly right. Yeah, so they’re just going to destroy that.
Jeff Kikel: I wanted to set the level set the ground here as far as the market. So year to date,
S and P 500 were up for year to date, we’re up 3. 44, 3. 81 now percent. Cause it’s apparently
the market just updated. The Dow, year to date, we are up 2. 13%. The NASDAQ,
we’re up 4. 03%. And a big day today because of some earnings from some big boys.
Jeff Kikel: Meta, yeah. The Russell, he’s down. And we’ve been down for the last,
I think, six years to the S& P 500. It’s been flat. Interesting, though, that the NASDAQ
Although this is the equal weighted index. The S& P 500 equal weight. is just now positive.
Actually it’s now negative year to date. But it is, it’s just [00:04:00] not really followed.
Jeff Kikel: If you argue the point that the January effect, if the S and P 500 which S and
P 500 are we talking about? Are we talking about the one that has all the high techs? In the lead
or the equal weight one, because if you’re going to use that argument, I would venture to say that
the market’s going to be the market throughout this year would be from that perspective.
Jeff Kikel: A
Ron Lang: lot of layoffs in January too. That’s been that’s been going up.
Jeff Kikel: So I caught this. It was funny. It was if you, this came out of investopedia,
can you make money exploiting the January effect? Unlike even if it were real, which it’s
probably not, the markets were, it were to rise on characteristics uncharacteristically each January.
Jeff Kikel: The fact that people may try to exploit this would undermine
its appearance. It’s basically BS. I looked at 10 different studies that
have been done and there’s absolutely no correlation to what the market has done
at the [00:05:00] beginning of the year. To what it does for the rest of the year.
Jeff Kikel: What’s
Ron Lang: your take on it? May we’ll have to do an analysis on selling May and go away,
which doesn’t work either. Yeah. It
Jeff Kikel: never works either. Yeah. Or it does work sometimes. Sometimes it doesn’t,
but it is not a predictor. And once again, it’s be in the market. Adjust to it. Certainly don’t,
you don’t want to be full bore all the time, but adjust to what’s there.
Jeff Kikel: But yeah, that all these things about, oh if you do that yeah. Then why the
hell are we working? We just throw out all of our clients into the market. If January was good,
we’d throw all of our clients into the market and take the rest of the year off at
Ron Lang: that consistent contributions up or down.
Ron Lang: Yep,
Jeff Kikel: absolutely. So that’s the things that work are, the boring things
are the things that work. The ones that try and predict and prognosticate what’s
going to happen is not necessarily going to work in the long run. So we’ve had a hell of
an earnings month so far. Some big earnings, [00:06:00] that I looked at big earnings wins,
UAL and American Airlines, the airlines are just knocking the cover off the ball.
Jeff Kikel: If they’re, run now, there’s a bunch of trash that’s out there,
the spirit airlines of the world and some of those,
Ron Lang: but it’s not necessarily reflected in the stock
Jeff Kikel: price. Not yeah. They’ve got, earnings were up 5 percent and,
5 to 10 percent in both American and United, and they’re really not there.
Jeff Kikel: I don’t know, and I’d love your take on this. I don’t know if there’s that effect,
the Boeing effect with the max. Yeah, with the max planes of them predicting,
okay, these things are going to be out of service for a period of time or something.
Ron Lang: I will say this, it’s tough to, comment on Boeing,
but, regarding the airlines, a couple of things there number one,
people just are traveling more so now than even they were prior to COVID.
Ron Lang: I think so. Also, one of the reasons why I don’t invest in the airlines,
I will watch it to see [00:07:00] traffic flow is it’s pegged to oil and oil is down. So if
oil is down and that’s one of their biggest input costs other than labor, they’re gonna
Jeff Kikel: make more money. Absolutely. And once again, and they really haven’t
had a big contract negotiation strike in a while in the airlines anywhere.
Jeff Kikel: They blew through that a little bit last year. And got through it and moved
on at that point. So there’s really no major negotiations. From a, at least the input cost
of that and oil is down. It’s interesting. I just don’t see people slowing up on the travel.
Jeff Kikel: Once again, we keep saying this every week. Credit card bills are
through the roof, everything else, but somehow people keep finding the money,
or at least a subset of the. The world is finding the money to continue to travel.
Procter and Gamble was up doing extraordinarily well in its space.
Jeff Kikel: We had big earnings from Amazon and Meta [00:08:00] last night,
largely a lot of advertising. I noticed when I dug through it a little bit,
a lot of advertising there Taiwan semi was up pretty hefty. It’s up almost 10 percent since
it’s earnings JP Morgan, really a lot of the bank, the big banks actually did really well.
Jeff Kikel: The regionals are still getting beat up pretty bad. One
Ron Lang: of them almost shut down in New York. Yeah.
Jeff Kikel: And the funny part is they’re the one that gobbled up
most of the assets from Signature Bank. What a surprise. You had a bunch of crap.
You bought a big pile of crap and it’s even worse than I think they expected.
Ron Lang: That’s what happens when the government backstops something
to prevent a crisis, but then you’re just pushing the garbage onto somebody
else and letting them deal with it. We saw this 15 years ago. We’re seeing it again.
Jeff Kikel: And like I said, I’m just looking at, it’s Once again, you just
keep seeing the bigger banks getting bigger and the regional bank struggling a little bit.
Jeff Kikel: Now, there are some players in there. [00:09:00] I think my bank that I bank with it’s
interesting because they were actually an acquirer of. Silicon Valley bank, and they
actually put themselves in a really good position as a result of it because it came up a bigger
footprint. Out in California and with those kind of mid market companies that are out there, they
Ron Lang: probably got some government
Jeff Kikel: concessions.
Jeff Kikel: I’m sure. I’m sure. Last 1 on here was Royal Caribbean. Once again,
that same thing the cruise industry, was basically on flat line for 3 years or 2
years. And now they’re really coming back major Royal Caribbean. Certainly I would
say the top of that group, you’ve got a carnival that’s in there.
Jeff Kikel: You’ve got a couple of the other ones, but Royals really, they seem to be hitting on all
cylinders. They’ve got a couple big ships coming out that are, literally like a floating city.
Ron Lang: Do you see some of these things? First of all,
I don’t know how they float. Second of [00:10:00] all, a big wave. How do they stay?
Ron Lang: They’re going up. They got to go out
too. But I don’t even know how some of these things are even like floating.
Jeff Kikel: I, it’s amazing to me. I’ve watched it’s interesting though the challenge though,
they keep making them bigger and bigger and bigger. And I’ve watched some of these,
because we’re, we watched this one show on, on,
I think it’s Smithsonian or something like that, where it has all these cruise ships on there.
Jeff Kikel: And, the captains are always talking about, man, they go into some of
these ports where there’s a lot of wind and, they’re trying to thread a needle to get
this ginormous ship in. And they’re dealing with that cross breeze coming in. And it’s,
thank God they’ve got the bow thrusters and everything that they get themselves in.
Jeff Kikel: But literally we watched this one where it was, they had such a high wind hitting
the side of the ship. They were literally right next to the dock and they couldn’t
make that extra little bit of difference. To get into the dock because there [00:11:00] was
so much back pressure from the ship against the dock and then the wind was hitting them
and I mean they took them like an extra hour to go maybe 10 feet in towards them.
Ron Lang: Yeah, I don’t know. I was on one a long time ago. At the time it
was Royal Caribbean’s biggest ship and we ran into a storm. Let me tell you,
a lot of people got seasick and whatever. It doesn’t matter how big it is. You’re
going to feel it. And I, like I said, with the way, some of them are today, you’ll be right.
Ron Lang: They’re floating ships, but unless it’s calm seas, I can’t imagine
how they’re not getting thrown around, but that’s a story for another time.
Jeff Kikel: Yeah, we did our, the one cruise I’ve ever been on,
we were on a Royal Caribbean and we were, our cruise or our. Whatever
travel agent helped get us onto the back end of the boat, on the bow of the boat.
Jeff Kikel: And so we’re at the end of the fulcrum of that thing going back and forth,
and both of us were sick as a dog. And [00:12:00] of course, our captain gets on,
he’s from Norway, and he’s we are going into a tropical wave at this point, and I’m like,
a tropical wave? Okay, so that’s. Cruise industry speak for I’m going to be puking all day.
Ron Lang: You got to understand the nomenclature, my man. That’s it. It’s a
Jeff Kikel: tropical vape. All right. Not everything was good. So let’s take
a look at some of the big losers. Apple last night. I don’t really consider it a loser that
the earnings were okay. I’m not growing as much. Yeah, it’s just not growing as much.
Jeff Kikel: But of course, Tim Cook hinted. At at something coming from an AI perspective, it’s
interesting to see that Apple has just absolutely done nothing with AI. But have they done
Ron Lang: nothing or they’re just not talking about what they’ve been doing?
Jeff Kikel: Yeah. Or they’re not putting out tools on their stuff with AI.
Jeff Kikel: I would argue this
Ron Lang: is my frustration. Isn’t Siri some form of AI?
Jeff Kikel: That absolutely. I was just going to say that.
Ron Lang: How [00:13:00] long has that been around? 10
Jeff Kikel: years, 12 years. Yeah, it was basically the advent of the iPhone, which is about
12 years ago that, they embedded Siri into it and okay, they’ve been doing AI before everybody else
came up behind them, they don’t have any new little AI tools or anything like that.
Jeff Kikel: So of course. The stock’s kind of gotten whipped around a little bit this
morning. 3m general electric not great and even worse kind of worse projections going forward
manufacturing Yeah, the only thing I saw with general electric is it looks like it looks to be
that they’re going to shed off another they’re, I think they’re down to three major units and
I think they’re going to shed another one off and really get down to, the basics of what they
Ron Lang: do.
Ron Lang: They’re just unwinding Jack Welch’s empire from 25
Jeff Kikel: years ago. That’s exactly right. And honestly, that’s probably
a good thing because they’ve managed it horribly. Charles Schwab. Interesting.
Schwab’s kind of a weird animal. I’ve worked for him and [00:14:00] it’s an oddball animal,
but they were down both revenue and earning or earnings and revenues across the board.
Jeff Kikel: So they just weren’t good. And, interestingly enough.
It may be the acquisition of TD would be my take in there that,
it took them a long time to merge them in which is actually a good thing because
usually Schwab kind of merges stuff in and bailing wire and duct tapes it together.
Jeff Kikel: And this time they actually put some thought into it and I think probably
the biggie of this whole thing was Tesla it just got hammered again. At this point, look,
Ron Lang: They’re rolling out cars more than ever. But they’re getting
squeezed on margins and competitions going up.
Jeff Kikel: And the problem is, now you’ve got competition going up and less people
even want them at this point. I think people buy the Tesla’s because of the cool factor.
Most of the electric cars that the big three are putting out ain’t cool factor.
Jeff Kikel: I’m [00:15:00] sorry. A four door crossover is not a Mustang.
I’m sorry. I don’t care what you say. It ain’t a Mustang. Yeah, but the other
Ron Lang: reason too, that I think the little Scott was his gas has come down. If gas was,
95 instead of 70, 75. Tesla would be getting more headlines.
Jeff Kikel: Sure. And they’ve gotten some really bad headlines with,
of course, the ice storms and everything else.
Jeff Kikel: And, people not getting their cars charged and all that, it just all hurts. I think
it doesn’t necessarily hurt tesla per se, but I think it just continues to hurt the electric
car industry that You know what? We don’t have the infrastructure for it yet. We just don’t
have it. And a lot of the batteries are just not good in extreme weather, especially extreme cold.
Jeff Kikel: They are not good in extreme cold because you have to run your heater. And when
you run your, you know that I love the excuse there, the car companies[00:16:00] just don’t run
your heater. Okay. It’s like negative 20 degrees outside. I’m going to run my freaking heater. Yes,
Ron Lang: no they’re great cars.
Ron Lang: And look, someday we’ll figure out how to look right. I think they’re up
to 300 miles per charge now, which is, basically right there with the internal combustion engine,
but eventually they’re going to be three 50 and 400 and the,
the the gas powered car just, it is not going to get there.
Jeff Kikel: Yeah I like, I personally, I think the reality of this is the hybrid
step is a much better step going through the process. If I were buying another vehicle,
I’d probably buy a hybrid because it makes sense. If I’m on a long trip
I’m not going to go for, three hours and then stop and charge my car for an hour.
Jeff Kikel: I want to keep going and, that’s the impracticality. If you drive short distances,
I think an electric car is amazing. If I would buy one, but I’m a gear head,
man. So I’m just not gonna give up my Camaro for a goofy electric [00:17:00] car at this point,
but I drive four miles back and forth to work,
literally drive for your bike, say what you should be riding your bike.
Jeff Kikel: No, I won’t. I’m sorry, I live in Texas, like you living in Arizona and
riding your bike on you could ride it in the morning because it’s nice and cool,
but the afternoon would be a little toasty riding back in a suit in the
Ron Lang: summertime. 100%. Yeah, absolutely.
Jeff Kikel: What else have you got for us on on earning season?
Jeff Kikel: Anything that from your perspective?
Ron Lang: I thought it was interesting. I don’t have the slide on it. But they were
talking about how the top seven stocks are making up for either 90 or 95 percent of
the overall S and P’s earning growth. Which, it’s just astounding if you think about it. Meanwhile,
the market still continues to hold and go up and and go from there.
Ron Lang: I know in our next podcast, we’ll get [00:18:00] into some of the the Fed futures and
talking about future rate cuts, which will be a spirited conversation. But overall, look,
I think after this week and next week. We’ll get over the hump of the major companies in
the reporting and overall, it’s been very mixed and I would say more towards flat to negative.
Ron Lang: If you’re looking at the aggregate numbers they are looking at
some earnings growth in the first couple of quarters and negative growth. In the fourth
quarter. I don’t know how they’re projecting all that. Yeah. Unless they’re anticipating,
economic slowdown, which, we heard about all through last year, you and I were an
echo chamber there and very dogmatic, at some point the ice has got to break here.
Ron Lang: But as long as employment stays high, how many times have we’ve said this
the market will levitate. There’s no doubt about it. But I still think it’s standing on quicksand,
at least in the short and medium term until the election. But we’ll see, we had to get through
January. So we’ll see what [00:19:00] happens here in the the balance of the first quarter.
Jeff Kikel: And it’s interesting. I just happened, I was coming back to my office from from dropping
something off the shredder and just happened to look up at Fox business. And they were saying,
oh today’s, today’s employment number is so good that, it assures the soft landing at this point.
Jeff Kikel: And I’m thinking to myself, okay, so it assures the soft landing,
but that doesn’t mean that interest rates are going to come down. If it was soft
Ron Lang: landing, the futures almost were off 80 or 90 percent for the pre
market. What is that telling you? So now we’re selling on good news again. I
Jeff Kikel: mean, there we go.
Jeff Kikel: Yeah. Yeah, I thought it was sell on the news or yeah, sell on the news,
Ron Lang: buy on the rumor, sell the news or buy on good news,
sell on bad news. Who the hell knows?
Jeff Kikel: Just buy or sell. I’m not sure. Cool. So our next episode that we’ve got coming up,
it’s going to be a lot of fun. We’re going to be focusing on really the,
that, leading into that thought.
Jeff Kikel: Of some of the predictions on the interest [00:20:00] rate sides of things and.
Are much anticipated episode talking a little bit about trading strategies. And discussing
what a trailing stop order is something that I know Ron and I both use with our
clients and something that if you’re sitting there and you’re looking at,
okay, how do I protect, it, they, the market keeps going up.
Jeff Kikel: I know it can go the other way. And how do I protect that a little
bit? Maximize those profits. Maximize as much as you can. And we’ll we’ll
have a good discussion on that on the next show. So we will see you
guys back here for next week. Make sure that you have hit that subscribe button.
Jeff Kikel: Make sure that you give us an up vote. And we love comments. I’ve had some fun
discussions with folks. On YouTube with questions that they had and everything else. So make sure
that you give us a comment. We’d love to have a little conversation there. So thanks a lot.
Jeff Kikel: And we’ll see you guys back here the very next time.