Introduction and Weekly Overview
hello sense of things it’s Jeff and Ron
here once again for another week of
what’s going on in the world what’s
going on in the markets and we’re
running up on Christmas uh Hanukkah
whatever holidays festiv us all that
this week we’re going to cover a little
bit about some weird Christmas facts
we’ve got some things coming up in h the
market this week probably the biggest
one and most consequential is the fed’s
right decision uh that’s been affecting
the markets for the last couple weeks
and then Ron’s got some really good
stuff talking about some Google searches
top Google searches and a few other
subjects like that so stay tuned we’ll
be right back on in a
second hello everyone welcome to the
show Ron how you doing my friend good
morning should we start reciting elf
lines or no
yeah I think so now I was never a big
Watcher of the show so I I’m not gonna
be helpful to you there it was one of my
son’s favorites I loved it and I tell
you I watched it again over um
Thanksgiving weekend from end to end
and still still funny yeah uh my
favorite of all time the probably the
show that most people don’t know is
dinosaurs probably one of the funniest
shows I’ve ever laugh it just makes me
laugh watching it today
so it it reminded me of the old Sid
Marty Croft stuff when we were growing
up so
gotcha Okay cool so uh why don’t I kick
Fun Christmas Facts
it off today talk about Christmas facts
so that people have some useless
information to take with them when
they’re visiting family who doesn’t want
useless information I know everybody
needs a little useless information here
and there all right let’s get this pop
puppy up here okay so top five weird
Christmas facts did you know Christmas
wasn’t always on December 25th did not
know that although Christmas celebrates
the birth of Christ it doesn’t actually
mention December 25th anywhere in the
Bible so wait he wasn’t born on that
date nope in fact some historians Think
Jesus was born in the spring and not
winter at all Christmas I’ve been lied
to my whole life I know Christmas not
until the
300s multi-billion dollar industry
they’re not changing it now nope not
gonna change I think the biggest thing
for my understanding is when around the
counil of NAA they decided on using
December 25th because it was a it was a
big pagan holiday and so it was easier
to sell it for for replacing a big Pagan
I did hear that yep so you won’t hear
Council of NAA mention you should have
you should have left this fact for
last all right evergreens are an ancient
tradition not just a Christmas thing so
iconic Christmas tree has a lot of roots
forgive the pun ancient Egyptians used
to Mark winter solstice by decorating
their homes with green Palms while the
Romans celebrated
saturnalia with Evergreen bowels these
green plants signified the BL would
return to New Life the first Christmas
trees we know them today started in
Germany in the 16th
century okay now on that same subject
you can thank Prince Albert Prince
Albert in the can Christmas tree because
he was from Germany he had German roots
and in 1848 he decided to put a
Christmas tree they started making it
fashionable by putting it in Buckingham
Palace we didn’t have them for very long
all right and I just actually saw this
on the Discovery Channel recently so
this is actually pretty interesting St
Nick was more generous than Jolly the
original Santa Claus was actually St
Nicholas a Christian Bishop in the
fourth Century in Turkey he hadn’t wore
he didn’t wear red and he didn’t give
all but he did give all of his
inheritance to the poor and needy and in
Dutch his name is C Claus which later
morphed into Santa Claus and I also
heard an interesting uh not Nostalgia
bit of nostalgia that Coca
Cola is
actually more influential and
responsible for what we know of Santa
Claus looking today based on a lot of
their advertising because they were they
adverti so much in the 20s and 30s and
40s that a lot of people grasped on to
how they imagined Santa CL to look funny
you should say that he wasn’t always
Jolly the Jolly man in red impress you
didn’t team me up for that one older
depictions of Santa from the early
depicted him more sternly um he wasn’t
standardized as a look and it wasn’t
until Haden
sunbloom uh created the the Coca colola
ads that’s what that’s our now version
of what we think of a Santa Claus wasn’t
1931 it’s interesting my wife and I used
to have and I think we finally ended up
giving him away but there was a whole
series of Christmas ornaments that we
collected over a period of 10 years when
we were first married and they were all
based on Haden Sun blooms illustrations
of Coca colola the Coca-Cola Santa did
you get Hest trucks when you were a kid
I never got Hest truck I didn’t even
know what a Hest truck was really until
my till my grand or my mother-in-law she
always had one and I was like what where
did you get that Collectibles I they
weren real big in the midwest or the
west but they were huge in the Northeast
because H’s headquarters was in North
Jersey sure yeah I’d never even heard of
hes before my mother-in-law and she had
just one of these that she always had
like up on her shelf or something like
that but yeah I’d never even heard of it
before then now I even see commercials
for them they it seems like they have a
a commercial every year for the H Truck
yeah Collectibles yeah they sell more
collectible trucks than sell actual gas
I think they actually just sold the
company I think last year oh really okay
yeah it was the exit strategy for the
family I think yep yep and then somebody
will just buy up the the H trucks and
and sell those every year for Christmas
so why not Yep this week probably the
Market Insights: Fed’s Rate Decision
most consequential thing that we’ve got
going on this week is the last real
economic news for the year which is
going to be what the FED does with
interest rates the market is
guesstimating now it was funny last week
um when we didn’t do a show last week
markets were going all over crazy
because oh my God we’re getting interest
rate we’re getting CPI and PPI and it’s
higher than normal so maybe the fed’s
not going to do this I don’t think
there’s a chance on the planet that the
fed’s not going to do this because
they’re going to look really bad and
really like they’re trying to sway the
election by doing all the cuts and not
doing one here
my estimate is they’re going to cut by a
quarter point at this point what’s your
thoughts look I’m going to go back to
what I said a year ago I figured there’d
be at least one to two no more than
three this year despite the fact that in
November December last year they were
looking at up to six or seven this year
which if that was the case we would have
been in a recession if we would had that
many the answer is I think based on the
last CPI and CPE print I think the
the Futures on the Fed rate going down a
quarter of a point was above 80% so the
answer is I think that if they don’t cut
a quarter of a percent I think that
would be the surprise not the cut itself
yeah yeah I just I see him doing it at
this point it sounds going to live
through uh the transition of presidency
at this point and I don’t know I just
think they say they’re data dependent
the data is not really going up much and
it’s not really going down much I just
estimate that they’ll do that I don’t
know what they’re going to do next year
I I I they Haven it might be on pause
for a few months to see how things shake
out with the new Administration yep yeah
I think that’s the big unless data
unless data is just tipping them one way
or the other yeah yeah and and I yeah I
think it’s probably going to be into the
spring summer you know late spring
summer before they get back to doing
anything I I just don’t really imagine
them doing any up at this point but uh
it’s just when are they going to do the
rest of the Downs at this point and is
yeah but yeah but it’s interesting you
say that and we could move on you’re
saying when are they going to do the
rest of the down rates yeah in order for
that to happen that means you have to
have a terminal bottom sure what is that
three two and 3/ quter three and a half
percent where what at four and a half
now so what is a terminal rate I always
hate when people say oh no it’ll be and
a half you you don’t know to the upside
they thought it wouldn’t be more than
475 or five and we went up as high as
five or whatever the hell it was so I
think the terminal rate is probably
somewhere between three three and a half
which is one and a half one to one and a
half from here who knows but that sounds
about right yeah I think so too and it’s
within range of their 2% where they want
the inflation to be at and everything
else and it’s working its way back there
but it’s been really persistent in this
like 2.7 range and I don’t really see it
going down anytime soon it’s like losing
that last 10 or 15 pounds of fat on you
you just can’t get it off and it’s very
difficult to do that so I hear you I
Top Google Searches of 2024
hear you so I have some fun stuff I saw
this it was pretty interesting just
because it is useless information but
it’s fun information the top Google
searches in 2024 it’s interesting on the
left just as far as general
searches four out of the five is uh
soccer related so yeah so I don’t know
how much of that was actually done in
the US but internationally it was
obviously PR I would assume yeah and
then on the far right side I would the
US election number one which that’s a
given did you do a lot of the searches
for number five because for me that was
a big story in the world and I just had
a tough time following it I don’t know
about you all I know is it was 10
whatever it was it was 10
I I I don’t know but I thought number
two was interesting excessive
heat yeah you were you guys were hotter
than blazes this summer it wasn’t
actually too I think the temperature was
okay the humidity ticked up a little bit
but not too bad but I know in parts of
the US go like a 100 days or something
of 100 plus degrees that’s normal yeah
but Jeff that’s normal but when you’re
in high single and low double digit
humidity I’d much rather be in 110 here
in the afternoon with low humidity then
by you in 85 90 degrees with 100%
humidity you could keep that try 100
degrees with 100% humidity on top the
answer is no yeah but you can’t even go
outside you could at least go outside
here at5 110 you may not stand outside
and worship the Sun but you could at
least function sure and I think it was
up on the the East Coast too it was a
little bit of a warmer summer and they
get the humidity there too I get a lot
of humidity and when they’re bitching
about 85 and 100% humidity I’m like dude
January so I mean I think today we’re
hitting like 79 or so here almost
Christmas so one of the top Searchers on
the prior page was Liam Payne so of the
top Searchers of people who passed Liam
Payne was number one I don’t know much
about I don’t even know who that is yeah
Shannon already I know she had cancer
quite a bit we all know who OJ was Toby
Keith was surprising but I don’t think
he was in good health for a while no
he’d been he’d had cancer for 18 months
to two years and now you heard Randy
Moss has cancer didn’t say the extent of
that but he had to take a leave of
absence from the NFL show then of the
athletes I’m not sure who may who I
think I’ve heard the name is it caleff
or I’m not sure but that Mike Tyson Jake
Paul fight those guys are getting sued
now and I don’t blame them because
people actually put money down on that
and that was that was a fixed fight as
far as I’m concerned yeah it was awful
you know what even though I already had
Netflix subscription I still wanted my
money back for spending time watching
that crap yes yeah I just want the hours
the hour back that I spent and it was a
huge promotion for Netflix believe me
they they did well on it oh
okay cares I thought this was a fun one
because somebody told me that you could
do this in Google a while ago and you
forget it like you hear a song in your
head you don’t know the name of it you
could actually go to Google Search hit
the microphone and hum the song and it
may actually find it for you so I don’t
know about you but I have no clue what
the hell bling bang bang
born is by creepy nuts I’m afraid to
even look up and hear whatever I don’t
want to I I really seriously do not want
to go gole creepy nuts period could that
be the theme song when you watch Florida
Man videos I don’t know think so yep
that is absolutely the Florida Man song
and I’m guessing creepy nuts is probably
from Florida I’m just
saying hey it could be creepy Austin men
too who the hell knows that’s true
remember we’ve got the we already we
blew past the Harry Man festival in in
October it’s all good all right just a
couple more top searches for top Park
Central Park’s a big one no other major
like I figured there’d be another
National Park in us no but two in
Japan and then top museums um I’ve never
been to any of these obviously British
museum I swear to God the British museum
pisses me off more than any other Museum
that if obviously to go in there three
times first time it took us forever on
the subway to get around to get to it
because it’s in a weird funky area it
via Subway this last time we went we
actually got out like a mile away and
walked in second time we were there they
had a some kind of like a water leak or
something in there third time we went
there the damn thing uh they had a
strike of the people that work there so
the museum wasn’t open so I have given
up on the British museum I will never go
there again
so you know what Jeff I think the
feeling is mutual they don’t want you
back sure they just don’t want me there
is the problem so science Chic aome yep
US Debt and Economic Indicators
to get to some serious stuff and we’ve
talked about this and visual capitalist
always does a good job who holds US debt
okay and we always talk about China and
Japan owning the highest amount outside
of the US and I always say that this is
interesting but the I will tell just one
thing that stood out here to me was Who
the hell’s still buying savings bonds
yeah I know this last few years they
have been up quite a bit but back in the
day when we were kids and even really
the generation or two before us people
bought savings bonds for your nephew
niece what grandchild and you said it
was always like a 20 year because it
would mature when they went to college
or out of college sure I don’t know of
anybody that is purchased the savings
bond in the last 25 17% of the
apparently 5.7 but do you know of
anybody that’s bought a savings bond
where has anybody come to you saying hey
Jeff do you think I should buy a savings
bond as a good investment for I I
haven’t had anybody do that but I’ve had
people come to me and I’ve got all these
savings bonds and I’m like why do you
have them I think what’s included in
there though are those the ibonds too
which people were buying a crap T is
that really a savings bond huh yeah is
that there’s an i version of the yeah
know I know the ibond but I didn’t know
that would savings bonds to me is the
other one where you buy it for it’s a
$100 Bond you buy it for 65 bucks and
when it matures you get the 100 that’s
not the way ibond work there was a
there’s an i version there’s a inflation
oriented version of it you’re capped out
I think the the max you can buy is
either 2,000 or 5,000 10 10 on an ibond
it’s 10,000 yeah I think those are
included in the savings bond World there
too well we’ll have to do some research
for the next show on that I’m interested
because I didn’t think that would be
considered an ibond cuz actually
somebody asked me about it other than a
limitation of 10,000 first they can’t
get it through us they have to go
directly to the website and there’s a
minimum holding period of a year on that
minimum you can’t get out of it under a
year absolutely and there there’s some
other stipulations too and there really
isn’t a market for them per se and they
basically sell them back to the
government correct at one time you could
have gotten one I think for 9% two years
yeah so I think that’s where a lot of
that came from I just people with the
oid versions of it I just can’t imagine
it’s interesting because you always hear
oh China is like the biggest holder of
our debt really not actually second
largest International holder yeah but
Japan is actually bigger than even they
are and which makes sense because we’re
so interlined on our
economies yeah and this is as of the end
2023 and we all know that the debt is
not 34.4 it’s approaching or at 36 I
haven’t looked at the debt Clock lately
but it’s close to that mhm all right so
we talk about the Lei the leading
indicator and I saw this on the daily
shot and I’m like hey you know what got
to give him some credit for this because
with the conference board if you go back
65 years never another time in history
they always had the Lei was a pretty
good indicator of a pending recession
here it is is 32 consecutive months of
negative of showings of of the lead of
the leading indicator we have’t been in
a recession it’s the peak in
2021 and if you look at the bottom chart
there the highest was probably
70677 at 25 months and we’ve already
blown past that blown past it and it
doesn’t look like it’s stopping anytime
soon we were talking about this in the
pre-show as long as the unemployment
rate is as low as it is and people are
still making the minimum payments on
their credit
card the cracks can continue to show
we’re not going to see any major shock
in the economy until I think the
unemployment significantly ticks up yeah
and I think that’s the biggest part of
this is It’s befuddled me because I come
from the leading indicators crowd it’s
always been a really dang good indicator
up till this last what some odd months
this cycle has the weirdest time when it
comes to Leading indicators and I think
it’s a combination of things I think it
is people working and still being able
to finance their world through credit
and I think the other side is there was
so much manipulation of the economy
through what the administration was
pumping into it and the FED playing
their little games with everything that
it’s just it’s decoupled from what
reality typically is when it comes to
this stuff but that thing is like a
screaming warning here’s the crazy thing
between the Lei the Som rule all the
other negative indicators that we’ve
been going through in the last year that
all said it’s pending it’s pending it’s
flashing yellow it’s flashing light
red when it hits the fan people are
gonna go I told you wait a minute you
said oh look we follow a lot of the same
people they said late
2023 yep most like 80 % chance 2024 yep
yep still didn’t happen inverted yield
curve I told you yeah in then it re
reverted back to the it’s
normal still nothing’s happened once
again it’s just it you you just ride it
as long as you can and and if it starts
to show signs that’s where you Shore up
a little bit but I I just don’t see it
changing anytime soon and I think with
the new Administration coming in there’s
just a lot of progam growth policies and
that may just keep people employed a
little longer and stretch their credit
cards a little bit longer at this point
at 28% interest
yeah no doubt yeah
yep all right so we got at least one
Conclusion and Upcoming Predictions
more before the end of the year and now
we’re going to do our targets for next
year which will absolutely will be
blindfolded and be throwing darts again
that’s exactly it it reminds me of the
days in when I first got into this
business in the early n mid 90s when
they had the joke of they had a monkey
that would throw darts at a dart board
and he was able to pick stocks better
than the the stock Pickers so hold on
let’s leave it on this one there was a
firm one time that used to put the The
Wall Street Journal at the bottom of a
bird cage and whatever stock the bird
pooped on that was the stock of the week
don’t laugh don’t laugh there’s crazier
things that have been done on Wall
Street but I’m honestly I think back
then and and in some aspects today the
same way except you gota the the monkeys
got to hit about 10 stocks that are
driving everything and that’s it at this
point so I know yeah all right all right
folks thank you for joining us once
again our next show is going to be our
annual show that we do where we give our
predictions and we eat our Humble Pie
for what we expected from last year I
will tell you that Ron and I way
underestimated what the market was going
to do this year and I just don’t know
for next year but we’ll see where we’re
at so join us in there for the next show
and we will throw it out there again for
you make sure you subscribe to the
channel make sure you give us that
little upboat make sure you give us that
uh comment so that we can uh keep up
with you here so thanks a lot and we
will see you guys back here the very
time e